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LOCATIONHOME - DYNAMIC - The Role of Art in L...

The Role of Art in Life
Date:2023-8-31 10:12:56 Typeface:[ Large Medium standard ]
Why study art? What role can art play in a person's life?

1、 Beneficial for cultivating aesthetics

Art master Rodin said, "The world is not lacking in beauty, but in the eyes that discover it. Art education can awaken and shape a person's sense of beauty, improve their aesthetic ability, directly enhance their personal charm, and transform life according to the form of beauty, improving the style of life.

2、 Beneficial for cultivating creativity

Cognitive abilities include intellectual education and artistic education. Intellectual education develops the left brain, emphasizing logical and rational cognitive abilities; Art education develops the right brain, emphasizing perceptual and intuitive cognitive abilities. Art education can coordinate the left and right brains, promote and enhance each other, and further enhance creativity.

3、 Beneficial for relieving stress

The work pressure, family pressure, and life pressure of modern society are increasing day by day, and psychological problems are prominent. The popular psychological adjustment therapy methods such as music and painting in developed countries such as Japan take advantage of the direct impact of art on human emotions and exert its spiritual redemption function.

4、 Helps to express oneself

Modern people have made great sacrifices to themselves for the sake of their families and the growth of the next generation, giving up on socializing, and their interpersonal relationships remain relatively closed for a long time. Collective art learning emphasizes communication, exploration, and expression, as well as the collision of ideas. Improving cooperation and communication skills in learning is beneficial for the comprehensive development of life.

5、 Beneficial for forming a healthy personality

In artistic creation, a large amount of time and energy must be devoted to creation, constantly thinking, observing the world, and cultivating spirit. This process is conducive to shaping a sound personality and perfect human nature.
